#ViewSelect (SketchUp)

Copy the visible geometries or hide the fully obscured ones in a single click. Reduce up to 99% of the polygon count of your scene by getting rid of invisible objects and speed up your renderings and visualisations.

This SketchUp plugin analyzes your model and replicates the visible geometries or hides the fully obscured ones, cutting down rendering time while keeping your scene looking perfect. No more wasting resources on geometry you will never see—just faster, cleaner, and smoother results. Perfect for pros who want maximum performance with zero hassle!

Download ViewSelect v1.1.7

7-Days Free Trial
Compatible with SketchUp (2017 to latest / Win & Mac)


  • Settings:
    • Process: Choice of the process to run based on the current scene's point of view:
      • Copy Visible Faces (New Component) (default): will copy all the fully or partially visible faces in a new component.
      • Hide Fully Obscured Faces: will hide faces that are fully obscured (not visible from the scene's point of view).

    • Min. Opacity: Opacity value of a face that determine if it should be considered as opaque (faces behind it are not visible) or transparent enough (faces behind it are visible). It is the direct equivalent of the alpha value of a material in SketchUp.
      • min: 0.01 (fully transparent).
      • max (default): 1 (fully opaque).

    • Precision: Determines how picky the process will be in term of collecting the visible faces. The Exact option will scan the scene pixel by pixel so as to not miss any face. It is consequently slower. The lower precisions will gradually skip pixels, leading to quicker process but higher chances of missing small details.
      • Exact: full scene resolution
      • Very Good (default): 1/2 scene res.
      • Good: 1/3 scene res.
      • Fair: 1/4 scene res.
      • Low: 1/5 scene res.

  • Run: Triggers the process. Wait a bit for the magic to operate!

How to Use